Humberto Sandmann


Ph.D. at Polytechnic School of the Univerty of Sao Paulo

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Emilio Del Moral Hernandez

from mar/2007 to mar/2012

Ph.D. Internship at Max Planck Institute für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Marc Timme

from aug/2009 to sep/2010

M.Sc. at Polytechnic School of the Univerty of Sao Paulo

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Marco Túlio Carvalho de Andrade

from feb/2003 to jun/2006

B.Sc. at Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial

from feb/1999 to dec/2002

Supported by:

CNPq under grant number 140632/2007-7

from mar/2007 to dec/2009

from sep/2010 to feb/2011

Pró-Reitoria da Pós-Graduação da USP

aug/2009 and dec/2009 (flight between GRU - FRA)

Max Planck Institute - Networks Dynamics Group

from aug/2009 to nov/2009 (accommodation in Goettingen)

José Humberto Sandmann - my father

from aug/2009 to dec/2009 (German language classes/exams)

CAPES under grant number BEX 4076-09-5

from jan/2010 to ago/2010 (Ph.D. internship at MPI)

Current areas of research

Activities in societies


Teaching assistant


Interesting links

See my calendar: